
  • Education

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    Learning tools to teach and enhance your own language and culture.
    Learning tools to teach about other cultures in a multicultural world.

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    uploaded date: 06-01-2010

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Dean's Class, Grade 6


30 March 2010


At the elementary school, sixth grade students watch Maana video (a video about climate change made by the Inuit circus collective Artcirq) from the Inuit Culture Education site and learned about climate change situation in the Arctic. After watching the film the teacher developed some activities and gave each one of the students an ipod. The students shot a small video of what they understood of the lesson and made some contributions to the subject from their own point of view. Students were really receptive to the video and the use of internet technology so as the fact of having the ipods to record their own perspective.

Watch the videos made by the students at:

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