Your browser does not support playing video. Please update your browser or install Adobe Flash For better quality videos Switch to high bandwidth Videos loading slowly? Nakiirniqsamut nugit 6to Ficwallmapu online About Uploaded by: FICWALLMAPU-CLACPI Chile 20 January 2021 2874 views Duration: 28s Tagged: wallmapu- festival-Mapuche- Jeannette Paillan
Isumatv- Clacpi uploaded by: FICWALLMAPU-CLACPI Chile channel: CLACPI Enviado desde Yahoo Mail con Android… Uqalimakkanirit
47s Promocion X Festival uploaded by: FICWALLMAPU-CLACPI Chile channel: CLACPI Synopsis: X Festival Internacional de Cine y Video de los Pueblos IndígenasFilmmaker:Contact www.clacpi.orgProducer:CONAIE-CLACPIYear of Production:2010Distributor Information:Country:ECUADOR… Uqalimakkanirit