First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) Report
The First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) is a national consortium emerging as an outcome of the collaborative process leading to the First Mile report (Putting the Last-mile First). Although founded by and originally focused on First Mile solutions for First Nations communities in remote and rural Canada, the FMCC welcomes members from anywhere who share its goals and principles. FMCC’s goal is to provide a forum for broadband development organizations to learn from each other, and share practices and results with everyone interested, including those who are involved in the process of crafting broadband policy decisions. The FMCC will meet regularly, disseminate information, nurture community-driven projects, and encourage adoption of its principles by communities, information sector players, and government.
Download the complete First Mile Report by clicking on Attached Files. See page 53 for article on NITV on IsumaTV.
For more information, see Meeting Place: The First Mile.