

30 November 2009


Welcome to the EALÁT TV channel.

EALÁT is a Reindeer Herders Vulnerability Network Study and is a project that examines reindeer pastoralism in the light of climate change.

Ealát is Sámi word with a multi layered meaning. Ealát signifies 'Pasture', but related words Eallu means 'Herd' while Eallin means 'Life' in the Sámi language. The primary research institution in EALÁT is the Sámi University College-Nordic Sámi Institute (SUC-NSI). A wide number of other research institutions are involved in the project, along with the Association of World Reindeer Herders(WRH) and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry. All are located in the heart of the Sámi region, Guovdageaidnu-Kautokeino, Norway.

EALÁT focuses on the adaptive capacity of reindeer pastoralism to climate variability and change and, in particular, on the integration of reindeer herders' knowledge in the study and analysis of their ability to adapt to environmental variability and change.

For more information visit www.ealat.org


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