Challenging racism, discrimination around the world
Former Eastern Door publisher combing over UN text on Indigenous rights
When it comes to global Indigenous rights in the last 21 years, former
Eastern Doorpublisher Kenneth Deer has seen several UN initiatives and
declarations come and go, and in some cases linger through the years.
Deer was in Geneva, Switzerland this week attending a UN conference.
Preparatory Committee focusing on the 2001 World Conference on Racism,
Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance Outcome
Document, known as the Durban Declaration and Plan of Action (DDPA),
which was adopted by consensus at the end of the Conference held in
Durban, South Africa.
A progress meeting was set for 2006, but was delayed.
States are debating The fivepart "Draft Outcome Document" containing 88
pages and 646 provisions. The Durban Review Conference in Geneva from
April 20 to 24 will endorse the document.
"It will be a basis for the continuing battle against racism and racial
discrimination," Deer said. "We need to make it strong and possible so
we can use it to protect ourselves from racist states and people."
There is a tug of war between states that want to strengthen the text
against those that want to weaken it," said Deer, who is focused on
four paragraphs that specifically mention the rights of Indigenous
"I am here to try to strengthen the paragraphs that deal with our
rights or, at least, not to allow states to weaken them anymore than
they already are," said Deer.
"That means lobbying governments and speaking on the floor when we can.
We are only allowed to speak at the end of each day for about six
minutes for each non-state participant. It is a very difficult
Deer is the only Indigenous representative from overseas to be at the preparatory meetings.
"It is disappointing that other Indigenous representatives are not
here. It is hard to be almost alone. I think that some are staying away
because of the propaganda that this process is an anti-Semitic exercise
fueled by pro-Palestinian elements," he said.
Deer suggests another reason for the lack of overseas representation is
that after the passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, some may think that alone it will protect Indigenous rights.
"This is a grave mistake," said Deer. "We should always have a presence
at these kind of Human Rights meetings. Governments would love to omit
references to Indigenous Peoples from these declarations."
Deer also cautions Indigenous groups about being drawn into polarizing
issues like the Palestine/Israel ongoing standoff that marred the 2001
Conference. The Durban 2001 conference degenerated into a forum
attacking Israel and calling Zionism a form of racism.
"It does not serve our long-term goals to pick sides in this matter
particularly since we can identify with each side whether it is foreign
occupation or genocide. Diplomacy is our best ally."
Canada stated it would not participate in the Durban Review Conference,
saying that the 2001 conference "degenerated into open and divisive
expressions of intolerance and anti-Semitism that undermined the
principles of the United Nations and the very goals the conference
sought to achieve."
In a press release Canada said it "had hoped that the preparatory
process for the 2009 Durban Review Conference would remedy the mistakes
of the past," but Canada had concluded the process was too flawed to
make the conference worthwhile.
Israel and the U.S. are the other two countries boycotting the process and several other Western states have threatened to boycott - most notably Denmark.
by Richard Tardif, THE EASTERN DOOR