Inuit Culture Education
What you can teach with these films
Atanarjuat The Fast Runner The Fast Runner Trilogy | AGES 14+
- Inuit legends
- Shamanism
- Community-based filmmaking
- Nomadic communities
- First film written, directed and acted by Inuit
- Inuktitut language
- Inuit ancestors
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen The Fast Runner Trilogy | AGES 14+
- Inuit storytelling
- Early 20th century
- Modern anthropology
- Old vs new culture
- Christianity
- Shamanism
- Arctic Expeditions
- Digital storytelling
Before Tomorrow The Fast Runner Trilogy | AGES 14+
- Inuit women storytelling
- Family relationships
- Impact of disease
- First encounter with white people
Qimuksik Dog Team | ALL AGES
- Life in the Arctic
- Inuit survival skills (the old way): navigation, ice thickness, driving the dogs, building the igloo, catching seals on the open water, running down caribou to feed the family.
- Family: dad role model
- Hunting skills
- Inuit relationship with dogs
Nanugiurutiga My First Polar Bear | ALL AGES
- Polar Bears
- Elders storytelling
- Working in community
- Inuit Family
- Hunting skills
- Inuit relationship with dogs
Artcirq | ALL AGES
- Inuit traditions and circus training
- Working in community
- Youth in the Arctic
- Suicide and despair prevention
- Good examples for community
- Circus performance
- Inuit storytelling with theater and songs
Unakuluk Dear Little One | ALL AGES
- Inuit culture
- Inuit family relations
- Women stories
- Adoption as a tradition
- Storytelling through embroider, draw and cut of fabric
Aiviaq Walrus Hunt | ALL AGES
- Inuit historic use of boats
- Old way of camping
- Children handling
- Social structure
- Safety measures
- Hunting practices
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