Takuginai playlist


03 July 2019



2h 32m 34s


  • Duration: 4m 28s

    Charlie tries a magic trick and Angakkuk appears. Angakkuk asks Charlie if he wants to see magic tricks. Angakkuq does magic tricks and makes people appear in the room and brings them back on the land. Angakkuk tells Charlie that magic is not for fun because he is a very strong angakkuk. Saali angakkuusaqtillugu Angakkuk saqqitippaa.

  • Duration: 6m 30s

    Matoo has a bad toothache. He goes to the dentist and gets his tooth pulled out. Matu kigusiritillugu. Kigunniarvimmuurngat kigutaiqtaulluni.

  • Duration: 6m 38s

    Animated storytelling about three brothers who didn't have parents. They had to hunt for themselves in order to survive. They were walking and looking for animals to hunt. They were so hungry. They got back to their tent and the oldest sibling said "I'm going in the tent and I will come out as a wolf." He sang a song and came out as a wolf.

  • Duration: 4m 7s

    The legend about Kautjakjuk. Kautjakjuk didn't have any parents. He slept in the front porch of the igloo in between two dirty dogs. Every night, he would sing to the moon. One day, a man from the moon came and told him "I want to whip you so you will get bigger." He whipped Kautjakjuk and so he became a big person, bigger than everyone else and he hid in an igloo.

  • Duration: 3m 45s

    A storybook about the legend of Nuliajuk (the Sea Goddess). Nuliajuk wasn't respected by the people he lived with. His family were moving to another land and left him alone. Nuliajuk swam to one of the kayaks. The person who was paddling went where the deepest ocean was and pushed him off the kayak. Nuliajuk tried to hold onto the kayak, but the man cut the tips off his left fingers.

  • Duration: 6m 9s

    Matu is carving an inukshuk. He says he's too old now to carve more than one inukshuk in a day. He finishes the carving and he realizes that his house is a mess. He thinks about calling Anirniq to come and clean his place because he thinks he's too old to clean it himself. Jaaji walks in the door and sees all the mess. He offers to help Matu clean.

  • Duration: 4m 17s

    The legend about Kiviuq. Kiviuq was a shaman who went out on the land by kayak. He met a woman and the woman trapped him in her tent. He tried to escape but he had a hard time because the woman kept his kamiks on top of her qulliq. Kiviuq then said "I will bring a polar bear that will fight with you." The woman quickly got scared and gave his kamiks back.

  • Duration: 4m 25s

    Ataatatsiaq tells a story about his great grandfather hunting in the middle of the night when the moon is shining and he doesn't know something is following him. He finds a hole in the ice for a qalupalik. He thinks it's a hole for a seal so he waits for a seal to come out of the hole. A qalupalik takes him into the sea. Somehow he comes back up.

  • Duration: 3m 32s

    Anaanatsiaq tells a legend about how the fog started. A man went fishing and when he saw a huge man, he fainted. He woke up in the giant people's tent. He grabbed an axe and started running away. The giant woman ran after him. The boy hit the land with the axe and the water started flowing.

  • Duration: 2m 51s

    Students are doing gymnastics outdoors in Iqaluit. Ilinniaqtiit Iqalunni silami pinnguaqtitaujut.

  • Duration: 4m 6s

    Oleepa bakes Valentine dessert tarts. Uliipa niqiliuqtuq siirnaqtunik tamuassarnik.

  • Duration: 2m 19s

    Johnny and Anirniq visiting a museum in Nuuk, Greenland. Jaani ammalu Anirniq pulaariaqsimajuuk takujaaqarvimmut Akukitturni Nuukmit.


  • Duration: 2m 48s

    A short video of a song about caribou played by Ishamel Naulalik and a fashion show. Tarijaassaq tuttunik takussautittijut Iisimai naulaaliup inngiganga nillialluni. Tutturajanit, annuraaqsimajunit takussautittijut.


  • Duration: 2m 23s

    Kootookoolook Alainga reads a book to Pukki called "Jaaniup pualuksangit" (Johnny's mitts to be). Kuutuukuluk Alainga uqalimaaqtillugu Jaanimut uqalimaagaq atilik "Jaaniup pualuksangit".


  • Duration: 6m 11s

    Aatami and Angakkuq look at traditional clothing and name the items as they go. Aatami ammalu Angakkuq qimirruaqtillugik takujagaqarvimmi kisuumangaalu atinginnit nalunaiqsiqattaqtut.


  • Duration: 3m 12s

    Donna Jean Angiliq and Jennifer Kadluk sew and sing in Igloolik. Taana Jiin ammalu Jianipu Kalluk miqsuqtuuk ammalu ingiqattaaqtuuk.


  • Duration: 7m 12s

    Naita Illauq makes an amauti for her daughter's doll. Naita Illauq amautinngualiuqtuq paningata qiturnganguanganut.


  • Duration: 4m 42s

    Anaanatsiaq teaches Amaudla how to crochet a hat. Anaanatsiaq ilinniaqtittitijuq Amaullamik qanuq niksikaqtarlugu nasaliusungumangata.


  • Duration: 3m 28s

    Anaanatsiaq makes a parka for Ataatatsiaq. Anaanatsiaq qulittaujaliuqtillugu Aisakimik.


  • Duration: 6m 6s

    Josephie learns how and where to put his clothes on. An older child puts clothes on the younger child. Jusispi ilinniaqtillugu qanuq annuraariassaq. Marruuk surusiik, aippaa annuraaqsitillugu aipaminik.


  • Duration: 5m 27s

    Amaudla tells a story to Aatami about a puppy that ran away for a while and hung around with a polar bear. Amaudla unikkaaqtuaqtillugu Aatamimut qimmilaaq qimmauqajuviniup missaanut, nanurmik piqatiqalirnirami.


  • Duration: 4m 58s

    Ataatatsiaq and puppets adopt a stray dog that hasn’t been well taken care of. Celestine Erkidjuk talks about how dogs are different and how many dogs you need in order to have a dog team. Attaaqtatsiaq ammalu Anirniq qimmitaaqtillugit kamagijauttingitumi maaniqqijumik.

  • Duration: 8m 18s

    SHORT, Takuginai, dog teams, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Inuktitut no s-t. 8 mins.

  • Duration: 8m 25s

    Johnny babysits Miisi. Miisi won't stop crying. Pukki helps him by exercising together with the baby. There's also a video of a man doing some exercises. Jaani pisimattitillugu Miisimi. Miisi qianginnaliqttu kisiani pukki isirngat qiagunniiqtu iqailisaqatigilirmagu.


  • Duration: 2m 33s

    Students run around in the gym exercising and copy their teacher stretching. Ilinniaqtiit iqailisaqtut iqailisarvimmi tasisaqtut ilisaijiminik ajurittutik.


  • Duration: 1m 23s

    Anaanatsiaq and Johnny play a running race game. Anaanatsiaq wins and reminds Johnny to always have fun while playing a game even if you don't win anything. Anaanatsiaq amma Jaani ullannikisautijuuk kisiani Anaanatsianga Jaaniup uqaujijuq Jaanimik salauqattaralualuni qanuinngittuq.


  • Duration: 3m 58s

    Kootookoolook Alainga reads a book to Johnny called "Qanuigajaqpakiaq" about what would happen or how would it be if animals had different body parts. Kuutuukuluk Alainga uqalimaaqtillugu Jaanimut "Qanuigajaqpakiaq"mit uqalimaagarmit. Uumajuit timigingitanginnik timiqarniqqata.


  • Duration: 5m 45s

    Mary Ineak talks about having pets with Tooneejoulee Kootoo and Mialia Shiutiaapik. With Tulu, the puppet, they listen to an old story about having pets. Miali Inia nilliaqatiqatillugu uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut. Ammalu Tulu unikkaaqtuami naalaqatiqaqtillugu Tunijuli Kuutuumik ammalu Mialia Siutiapimmik uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut.


  • Duration: 2m 56s

    Johnny teaches Aatami how to take care of a dog. Jaani aatamimik ilinniaqtittitillugu qanuq qimminik kamattiarunnamangataa.


  • Duration: 6m 6s

    Easter games in Iqaluit. Tuqutauviani pinnguaqtut Iqalunni.


  • Duration: 2m 30s

    Johnny Issaluk teaches Nakasuk School students in Iqaluit how to do a one foot high kick, an Inuit traditional game. Jaani Issaluk ilinniatittitillugu Inuit pinnguarusituqanngani atilimmik "one foot high kick".


  • Duration: 3m 19s

    Nakasuk students play outdoor games and receive awards for winning. Nakasuup ilinniaqtingit pinnguaqtut silami ammalu pitaaqattaqsutik pinnguarusiarminik.


  • Duration: 3m 45s

    Joamie School students drum dance and sing songs. Nakasuk School students play outdoor games. Jumiup ilinniaqtingit qilaujjaqtut ammalu ingiqattaqsutik. Nakasuup ilinniaqtingit silami aniiqtitaujut.


  • Duration: 3m 46s

    Igloolik youth play Inuit games. Iglulimmi inuusuttuit Inuit pinnguarusituqanginni pinnguaqtillugit.


Tukisigiarviit: inukMAN