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Our Journey Continued From Page 4
2007 is the International Polar Year. The U.S. and other national territories will have their own opportunities for festivals, museums, panel discussions and celebrity support. Isuma Distribution International’s experienced Aboriginal organizing staff will work closely with collaborating institutions and international sponsors to create local events in different countries as part of a worldwide reflection on History and Memory for indigenous people today.
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen is content-driven HD for multiple interests: human rights, spirituality, globalization, environmentalism, cinema and Native studies. It embodies a film whose audience can be searched and connected by innovative use of the worldwide web. Internet audience-building has succeeded for issue-documentaries (e.g. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, etc.) that use the web to locate their ‘audience of common interest.’ The Journals brings this content-driven power of electronic convergence to serious drama, telling the human story of a seismic cultural shift that impacts world history in ways yet to be fathomed. As an HD film made for HD viewing, The Journals anticipates emerging technology that connects the new generation of HD-DVD players directly to the internet, enabling viewers to link seamlessly between a film’s HD-DVD and its content-rich website.
The indigenous audience for Atanarjuat was overlooked in most territories. Aboriginal populations need their own P&A; targeted publicity, hand carried marketing, political organization and special screenings. Isuma Distribution will work with local coordinators to organize audiences through Native friendship centres, Native Studies programs in colleges and universities, and grass roots political, arts and culture organizations that need to be contacted by people who belong to these networks.
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