Inuktituuliqtauvalliajut suli. Inukitut translation of this site is a work in progress.

NITV 2.0 brings HIGH-SPEED videos to Low-speed communities

NITV on IsumaTV (Northern Interactive Television Network) and IFN/Indigenous Film Network distribute Inuit, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis and other Native films by internet to a network of Local Servers, digital projectors and cableTV access channels in remote northern communities. NITV's Local Server Network boosts over 2000 films on IsumaTV to high-speed delivery in low-bandwidth communities with low-speed internet service.

IFN 2.0 on IsumaTV: Download to Projection 2010

Beyond Broadcasting: NITV on IsumaTV_ in media res, a media commons project _ May 2009

"NITV on IsumaTV (Northern Interactive Television Network) is an innovative project using 2.0 interactive media to promote language, energize culture, engage youth and save lives in Canada’s Inuit and Aboriginal communities. We propose a comprehensive solution to three inter-dependent obstacles blocking northern media development from keeping pace with new media development nationally. Obstacles to new creation; to safeguarding recorded knowledge; and to useful delivery of information where people need it most, together threaten the well-being and survival of northern communities today. Only a comprehensive solution gives Inuit and Aboriginal Canadians the equal right to benefit from 21st century convergent media opportunities now available nationally." NITV proposal to Canada Interactive Fund 2010

"Telefilm subsidizes the risk of selected distributors $13 million annually (2006-07) to show Canadian films to Canadian audiences. However, 80% of Inuit, Metis and First Nations Canadians live in remote northern communities not served by distributors, effectively excluding Aboriginal audiences from benefits of this subsidy program. What about remote communities without 35mm theatres? Should Inuit and other Aboriginal audiences be the last Canadians to see this film?

"Isuma Distribution International is Canada’s first distributor to address the regional and racial inequalities in the current system’s failure to serve the north. IDI’s goal is to expand Canadian box office to Aboriginal communities, which achieves several of Telefilm’s own core goals: improving social justice, building Canadian audience, film industry reform and innovation in new information technologies." - IFN proposal to Telefilm Canada, 2006


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Produit avec la participation financière de
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo

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'; print '

Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

'; } ?>