Donald Morin Transition

  • After the Raising of The Cross

    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    channel: DAMMEDIA

    The result of two photos, Have a great Weekend, Shot last night Downtown Edmonton, NW of the Quarters, west of 101 Street, Moving DAMMEDIA  STUDIO again, west of my present location.

    Whereabouts TBD at a later date


    uploaded date: 07-04-2012

  • After the Raising of The Cross

    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    channel: DAMMEDIA

    The result of two photos, Have a great Weekend, Shot last night Downtown Edmonton, NW of the Quarters, west of 101 Street, Moving DAMMEDIA  STUDIO again, west of my present location.

    Whereabouts TBD at a later date


    uploaded date: 07-04-2012