
  • 57m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 3

    Program name: Qimaivvik – was an Igloolik cultural show including storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Inuit Broadcasting, Igloolik, Nunavut
    Host: Jake Kadluk

    Segment 1: Enuapik Sagiatook of Iqaluit, talks about different sizes and designs of ulus (women knives) as well as their various functions.


    uploaded date: 11-03-2020

  • 9m 27s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Program: Ilinniq (Learning) is a series of mini documentaries profiling some of the most interesting people who live in Nunavut. The series is targeted towards a general audience. Ilinniq features a range of people from politicians to elders to authors to actors. Each episode explores the accomplishments, the obstacles and the passion behind these fascinating individuals.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 20-09-2019

  • 57m 57s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Producer: Kippinguijautiit (Things to Pass Time By): This show entertains the audience with funny and interesting stories on traditional and contemporary Inuit way of life. Kippingujautiit features northern musical talent and coverage of games and special events. Kippinguijautiit was the most popular Inuktitut language program from the audience survey conducted in 1992.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 13-04-2019

  • 6m 10s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC Misc

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation


    uploaded date: 20-01-2017

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Amittumiut
    Producer: Igloolik - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Julie Ivalu
    Segment 1: Elder Noah Piugattuq talks about safety on the ice.
    Segment 2: Children do a variety of activities during the springtime.
    Segment 3: This is a short documentary on the uses of the ulu (woman’s knife).… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 08-02-2016

  • 20m 32s

    IBC Baker Lake 3, Cooking with Janet, 1980

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    IBC Baker Lake 3, Cooking with Janet, 1980, Baker Lake Adult Education Production, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation 1980, Producers Josevik Sims, Janet Tagoona. Inuktut no subtitles.

    First Inuktut cooking show. Simple instructions on how to cook caribou cabbage rolls from Janet Tagoona, Baker Lake.


    uploaded date: 08-02-2015