Blizzard Stand-by

Blizzard Stand-by

Notes from the Cast and Crew

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Today, the cast and crew are on "blizzard stand-by". According to the weather forecast, a blizzard is supposed to blow into town at any minute. Blizzard stand-by normally means waiting for it to end, but here on the set of The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, we're actually waiting for the weather to get worse!

Several scenes in the film must be shot in blizzard conditions. Since here in Igloolik you can't order up your rain or snow for a specific day with the special effects department, you have to go with what Mother Nature gives you. That means the cast and crew have scrapped the scenes they were planning to shoot today so that they can get ready for the ones that need to be shot in howling wind and blowing snow.

At this point in time, a full blown blizzard has not yet materialized. The snow is blowing like mad, but the sky is still blue and the sun is out...




03 December 2009


Tukisigiarviit: SILA Stories

    • Day Off for Cast and Crew

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      Day Off for Cast and Crew

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Sunday, April 10, 2005


      Today, the cast and crew have a much deserved day off! While there is no action on the set, today SILA gives you a quick tour of Igloolik, the location where we are shooting The Journals of Knud Rasmussen.


      uploaded date: 03-12-2009

    • Welcome to Our Set

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      Welcome to Our Set

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Monday, April 04, 2005


      Finally! The day before shooting starts on Isuma's new film The Journals of Knud Rasmussen. We're the same team that made the award-winning feature film Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, but this time we are collaborating with an international cast and crew.


      uploaded date: 03-12-2009