Thinker, Artist and Student reflections on a world in Crisis


17 October 2023


 From Kenneth Newby FB page regarding graphic of October 17, 2023.

Originally graphics and further information comes from 

The CJPME Foundation believes that all peoples should be able to enjoy human rights, and live healthy and productive lives. The CJPME Foundation is especially concerned about the rights of aboriginal peoples, both in Canada, and elsewhere around the world, and strives to sensitize Canadians to the challenges facing these peoples. Finally, the CJPME Foundation wants to serve as a conduit for humanitarian aid when Canadians wish to reach out in compassion to a vulnerable people suffering under war, occupation or a natural disaster.



As far as I am concerned, I am with God and his chosen people as my son's late mother, and his daughter are Jewish and Ukrainian. Why would I feel differently even though the comparative quality of this graphic is semi relative in terms s of human occupation of Indigenous territories. The history of Israel and the land in question has gone through numerous occupations, wars and kingdoms. So comparatively this graphic image is misleading and of a propaganda nature.
Even though I'm indigenous my political views deal with extreme issues dealing with indigenous people, the lost of rust, their mother tongue, millenniums of tribal custom usage, living with the land, animals, then the corruption of doctrines, manipulated the true word of the Holy of Holies, whereupon western kings and Queens, bloodlines and hidden agendas started genocide on turtle island and territories south of the equator. Leading today to the disrespect of the indigenous women, our matrilineal culture and today. Yes today, with the voice to text algorithms we are publishing mistakes , taking less care in our writing , using emojis and voicing and usage of words. Like here today, when I USED VOCIE TO TEXT earlier before school and published

"and they're just women. I still have to mind lying myself."
While the first four words are errors, I apologize to all women. Good and bad.
To close the comparative imagery that defines this post with also comments from my dear friend on Salish unceded territory David Diamond, to the original poster of this data. On the question of the signification of the land usage of the territory in question in the middle East. Sadly the People are occupied, tragically being affected by machinations of war, (Mad Dogs On The Run, Sundown, my award winning song was written as a result of the mad dogs of war, war itself. signs of the times" I cry for the loss of life everywhere, I cry for the lost over thousand of years of people fighting due to religions, tribal custom usage, mercantilism, now capitalism, the language of blood and all the devices of humankind used to twist Truth, words and the Providence of our time. #45 has turn lies into a viable option now in a world which sees bad as good and good as evil. Sadly families and dying because of war, land and tribal custom usage of time matter and space.
To where my soul is as far as dealing with what's here and beyond the short-lived, premise of this existence.

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