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UVAGUT - 03.03.2021
24h 3m 40s-
00:00 Uumatimnin | Unipkaaqtuq Sleeping Words
00:53 Stories from Inuvialuit | How To - Jonathan Elias
00:57 Shorts | Inuvialuit, we are Canadian 30 May
01:00 Special Event | Inuit Studies Conference - Day 3, Keynote 1: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril
01:57 Perspectives | Zacharias Kunuk Explains NITV Local Broadcasting by internet on IsumaTV
02:00 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) - Episode 5 - Angiraq (Home)
02:29 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 6: Auriaq (Stalking)
02:57 Documentaries | All the way to Timbuktu
03:24 Movie Night | Maana (Now)
04:33 Silakut Live from the Floe Edge | Silakut Live From the Floe Edge Episode 3, Life at the Floe Edge
05:33 Movie Night | Uluit: Champions of The North - Episode 4
05:56 Movie Night | Uluit: Champions of The North - Episode 5
06:18 Perspectives | Lauch of the book Illagiinniq
06:31 324 - Sign Language
07:20 04032OT-Takug-_-_-Inuk
07:34 04017OT-Takug-87-_-Inuk
08:16 TWS6-ᐊᐸᑕᑲ-AaPaTaKa
08:53 Inuktut Children's Programming | Innarijatini Unikatuat Ep. 4 “ᑕᕿᐅᑉ ᐃᓄᐊ” - The Man on the Moon
08:59 Shorts | Fibonacci laboratory
09:02 Movie Night | Uluit: Champions of The North - Episode 4
09:24 Movie Night | Uluit: Champions of The North - Episode 5
09:46 Perspectives | Lauch of the book Illagiinniq
09:59 Perspectives | Susan Pameok, Rankin Inlet
10:02 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) - Episode 5 - Angiraq (Home)
10:31 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 6: Auriaq (Stalking)
11:00 Movie Night | Qaggiq (Gathering Place)
11:58 Special Event | Inuit Studies Conference - Day 3, Keynote 1: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril
12:55 Documentaries | More seal skin patterns with Madeline
13:34 08421IQ-KIP-93-__-INUK
14:02 08434IQ-KIP-92-__-INUK
14:31 250 - TWS3-Imiqta-CP
15:56 Inuktut Children's Programming | Innarijatini Unikatuat Ep. 4 “ᑕᕿᐅᑉ ᐃᓄᐊ” - The Man on the Moon
16:01 Elders' Hour | Qulitalik (MR. Q) Tapes on Elders' Knowledge
16:36 Nunatinni Classics | Nunatinni (At Our Place) - Episode 17 (Part 2a)
17:01 TWS6-ᐊᐸᑕᑲ-AaPaTaKa
17:32 07349IQ-TAKUG-97-11-INUK
18:01 Silakut Live from the Floe Edge | Silakut Live From the Floe Edge Episode 3, Life at the Floe Edge
19:02 Perspectives | Inuit Pisingit - Inuit Traditional Songs
19:53 407
20:01 04078IQ-QIMAI-96-__-INUK
20:30 04073IQ-QIMAI-98-__-INUK
21:02 Movie Night | Alianait (w/English subtitles)
22:33 Documentaries | Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change
23:28 Movie Night | One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk Trailer
23:33 Documentaries | George Kappianaq on Shamanism
23:42 Nunatinni Classics | George Kappianaq Interviewed by Pauloosie Qulitalik