Inuit legend story

  • 2m 21s

    84-07191OT-Takuginai-legend about Inuit out on the land

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: Takuginai Educator Series

    Herve Paniaq tells a legend about Inuit that went out on the land. They stop to pee and a young boy finds a bird nest and pees in it. They are cursed by the birds. They are told that they will die before they get to see their shadow. Herve Paniaq unikkausituqarmit unikaaqtuatillugu Inuinnik aullaarasuttuminiit nunamut. Aulaarngataguuq quisuttuminiq nukaqpiaq, quilluni qupannuaq pikiunganut.… Read more

    uploaded date: 29-03-2016