NWT Legislative Assembly

  • 30m 1s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Noah Tiktaq
    Location: Rankin Inlet
    Segment 1: Members of the NWT Legislative Assembly meet in Rankin Inlet to discuss the helmet and registration act concerning all-terrain vehicles. … Read more

    uploaded date: 28-02-2016

  • 29m 23s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut.
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut
    Segment 1: Regional Keewatin Mayors meet in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut to discuss suicide. Members of the NWT Legislative Assembly have been invited to the meeting.… Read more

    uploaded date: 04-02-2016