
  • 5m 45s

    13-07173OT-Takuginai-storytelling about pets

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: Takuginai Educator Series

    Mary Ineak talks about having pets with Tooneejoulee Kootoo and Mialia Shiutiaapik. With Tulu, the puppet, they listen to an old story about having pets. Miali Inia nilliaqatiqatillugu uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut. Ammalu Tulu unikkaaqtuami naalaqatiqaqtillugu Tunijuli Kuutuumik ammalu Mialia Siutiapimmik uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut.


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    uploaded date: 27-03-2016

  • 10m 44s


    uploaded by: Shane Belcourt

    channel: shanebelcourt

    Sometimes there are true stories that you don't want to believe. Based on a true story from the city every Canadian loves to hate, "Pookums" is the re-telling of a dog sitting gone wrong. Sometimes all you can say is, well, I guess that's what life is like in the big city.

    Filmmaker: Shane Belcourt & Duane Murray

    Filmmaker Contact:

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    uploaded date: 08-05-2008