Troy Stozek


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i am involved in research at the university of manitoba in winnipeg, canada in the environmental conservation lab. There we do video work with first nations people across the prairies, trying to help communicate their stories about changes in wildlife and environmental health and how this affects cultures, communities, and society as a whole.See more


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  • In Land and Life: Impacts of Wildlife Diseases on Aboriginal Communities in the Prairies

    uploaded by: Troy Stozek

    This channel showcases both raw and edited film of interviews with First Nations people in the Canadian Prairies (mostly within Treaty 6). These interviews are part of a larger multi-stakeholder research project funded by PrioNet Canada, which is exploring the impacts of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and other wildlife diseases on Aboriginal hunters and other stakeholders across the Prairies.… Read more

    uploaded date: 19-04-2010

  • wanorazi yumneze

    uploaded by: Troy Stozek

    wanorazi yumneze means “awakening spirit” in Lakota. Despite the challenges Indigenous people have endured and continue to face, the deep-rooted cultures, traditions, knowledge and communities are strengthening, awakening.

    Read more

    uploaded date: 17-04-2013

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