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In the open sky Part 1


20 October 2010


"We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

At the end of 2008 and the start of 2009 the imminent approval of the Mining Law inflamed the heart of communities and villages in the Ecuadorian Andean range.

Country men and women raised their voices to expose the "mining greed" seeking to skin the mountains.

Their words don't only reconstruct the history of resistance and last struggles for water, land and life. They are aimed at exposing the obscure proceedings of transnational mining companies and their deceitful and violent patterns of behavior. They are, above all, an inflamed cry of alert in the face of a development model that País is trying to impose and consolidate in the country.

The quick approval, or rather, the imposition of the Mining Law, lays bare the official discourse and attests to the narrow limits of democracy and its so-called citizen participation.

Through facts and history, this documentary film reveals the true nature of large-scale open-pit mining as a part pf the Civic Revolution's controversial political and economic plan, which claims to bring wind of change.

The distributoir and public reproduction of this documentary film is a duty of hummanity.

Producer by: Ecumenical Commision for Humman Rights.


Quito, Ecuador 2009

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26m 25s


andean, citizenship, Ecuador, human, law, mining, participation, revolution, rights



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