Publishing Portfolio Sample

  • Ink Vol.8 Issue 2 - 7 March 2012 - Cover - Layout Design
  • Ink Vol.8 Issue 2 - 7 March 2012 - Insert Page 6 - Layout Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Cover Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Page 2 Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Page 3 Design
  • 29:45 Community Radio Current Affairs Website Design
  • U of Regina Aboriginal Student Centre Logo Design
  • U of R Indigenous Students' Association Logo Design (Had to be recreated nearly from scratch in higher quality)
  • ISA Valentine's 2013 Guess the Kisses Contest Poster Design
  • ISA Annual General Meeting 2013 Poster Design
  • ISA Halloween 2012 Pumpkin Carving Contest Poster Design
  • ISA 2012 Large Stand-up Banner Design
  • ISA 2012 Business Card Design
  • U of R National Aboriginal Day Celebration Hosted by the ASC Poster Design
  • The 101 First Year Aboriginal Student Orientation 2011 Poster Design
  • National Aboriginal Leadership Seminar 2010 hosted by the ASC at the U of R Poster Design
  • ASC Promotional Brochure Cover-Back Design
  • ASC Promotional Brochure Insert Pages Design


10 June 2013


These images represent previous publishing work that I have done. Majority of these were created with a combination of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, with some Illustrator thrown in as well in some cases.

Note: the quality of some of the images here do not reflect the actual look of the finished product as liberties were taken to create a smaller file size at the cost of quality, while finding a balance of the two in most cases.

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ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: Jarrett Crowe

    • Oma Program Promotional Video - U of Regina Aboriginal Student Centre

      uploaded by: JarrettCrowe

      channel: Jarrett Crowe

      Student promotional video for the University of Regina nitôncipâmin omâ Student Success Program, coordinated and run by the UofR Aboriginal Student Centre. 

       This video was produced, filmed, and edited by myself while also coordinating with most of the students on their availability and filmed at various locations on campus. 



      uploaded date: 10-12-2013

    • 6m 47s

      Otacimow: 'One who tells stories'

      uploaded by: JarrettCrowe

      channel: Jarrett Crowe

      A mini-documentary on Aboriginal representation in the mass media, particularly in Saskatchewan, Canada.

      Produced by myself, Robin Booker and Tiffany Cassidy as part of an assignment/project for our Journalism (JRN) 306 Intermediate Broadcast class, School of Journalism University of Regina.


      uploaded date: 07-05-2012