Publishing Portfolio Sample

  • Ink Vol.8 Issue 2 - 7 March 2012 - Cover - Layout Design
  • Ink Vol.8 Issue 2 - 7 March 2012 - Insert Page 6 - Layout Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Cover Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Page 2 Design
  • Mossbank Sun - Small Town Magazine Class Assignment - Page 3 Design
  • 29:45 Community Radio Current Affairs Website Design
  • U of Regina Aboriginal Student Centre Logo Design
  • U of R Indigenous Students' Association Logo Design (Had to be recreated nearly from scratch in higher quality)
  • ISA Valentine's 2013 Guess the Kisses Contest Poster Design
  • ISA Annual General Meeting 2013 Poster Design
  • ISA Halloween 2012 Pumpkin Carving Contest Poster Design
  • ISA 2012 Large Stand-up Banner Design
  • ISA 2012 Business Card Design
  • U of R National Aboriginal Day Celebration Hosted by the ASC Poster Design
  • The 101 First Year Aboriginal Student Orientation 2011 Poster Design
  • National Aboriginal Leadership Seminar 2010 hosted by the ASC at the U of R Poster Design
  • ASC Promotional Brochure Cover-Back Design
  • ASC Promotional Brochure Insert Pages Design

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10 junio 2013


These images represent previous publishing work that I have done. Majority of these were created with a combination of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, with some Illustrator thrown in as well in some cases.

Note: the quality of some of the images here do not reflect the actual look of the finished product as liberties were taken to create a smaller file size at the cost of quality, while finding a balance of the two in most cases.

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More from this channel: Jarrett Crowe

    • Publishing Portfolio Sample

      uploaded by: JarrettCrowe

      canal: Jarrett Crowe

      These images represent previous publishing work that I have done. Majority of these were created with a combination of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, with some Illustrator thrown in as well in some cases.

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      uploaded date: 10-06-2013

    • 6m 47s

      Otacimow: 'One who tells stories'

      uploaded by: JarrettCrowe

      canal: Jarrett Crowe

      A mini-documentary on Aboriginal representation in the mass media, particularly in Saskatchewan, Canada.

      Produced by myself, Robin Booker and Tiffany Cassidy as part of an assignment/project for our Journalism (JRN) 306 Intermediate Broadcast class, School of Journalism University of Regina.

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      uploaded date: 07-05-2012