The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling

In January 2008, Isuma Publishing released a new book, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling. This book includes the complete original screenplay in English and Inuktitut of The Journals, Isuma's second feature film in The Fast Runner Trilogy after Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, and 25 pieces of writing reflecting on themes of memory, history and Isuma's

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In January 2008, Isuma Publishing released a new book, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling. This book includes the complete original screenplay in English and Inuktitut of The Journals, Isuma's second feature film in The Fast Runner Trilogy after Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, and 25 pieces of writing reflecting on themes of memory, history and Isuma's approach to filmmaking as Inuit storytelling.

Edited by Gillian Robinson, writers include Lee Maracle, Floyd Favel, Hugh Brody, Alberto Manguel, Alootook Ipillee and others. We want to preview some of these writings in Blogs here on This allows people to read them and comment in ways that invite others, including the writer, to reply. To purchase the book contact

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Speaking from the Heart of Collective Memories - by Catherine Martin

The filmmakers of The Journals of Knud Rasmussen write, 'This film asks questions among others, about vanished peoples, colonization, cultural amnesia, effaced memory, Christianization and the complete erasure of a religion - especially in the absence of a literary tradition in most Aboriginal oral cultures.'

Zacharias Kunuk Speaks with Joysanne Sidimus

An extended interview with Zacharias Kunuk conducted in Igloolik in 2004 by Joysanne Sidimus, originally printed in her book, Reflections in a Dancing Eye: Investigating the Artist's Role in Canadian Society.

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt - by Norman Cohn

We have been asked: Who is the intended audience for The Journals of Knud Rasmussen?

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