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    uploaded date: 06-01-2010

First Nations Groups Around Saskatchewan

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09 marzo 2010


First Nations Groups Around Saskatchewan

by Jessica Wesaquate and Andrea Rogers


Exploring First Nations Teachings

Subject Area:


Grade Level:

Seven to Eight


Students will be able to indicate the main First Nations groups around Saskatchewan

Students will be able to explore the tipi teachings of the different First Nations groups found in Saskatchewan.

Pre-requisite Knowledge:

introduction on the tipi


tipi raising video clips, tipi resources, tobacco (for elder)

First Nation groups within Saskatchewan include the Saulteaux, Cree, Nakota (Assiniboine), Lakota, Dakota and Dene. Create a visual display of these groups around your classroom so the students can have a visual reminder of what the groups are.

Fact of the Day:

The word "Saskatchewan" comes from the Cree word meaning 'swift-flowing' river. Have students write this in their agenda so they can share it with family and friends.


Have students watch the tipi raising clips facilitated by Elder Glen Anaquod. Have them watch out for traditional knowledge and teachings as they watch the videos. Show them the clips. Discuss what students learned from the videos. Share with students that Glen Anaquod is from the reserve Muscowpetung, in Saskatchewan. He speaks from the Saulteaux perspective.

Now have students look at the tipi raising facilitated by Tim Haywahe. Tim is from Carry the Kettle First Nation, Regina, Saskatchewan. Again, discuss what students learned from the videos. Share with the students that Tim speaks from a Dakota perspective.

At this point you can choose to invite elders from the remaining groups to share the tipi teachings from their perspectives. Remember to follow traditional protocol.


Have students complete a self-assessment on their listening and respect skills. They can fill out an exit note to indicate the groups of First Nations people that are in Saskatchewan.



Aboriginal Perspectives is supported by the University of Regina, the Imperial Oil Foundation, the Canadian Mathematical Society and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.

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