Joan Scottie from Baker Lake
Arnait Video Productions from Igloolik
Meeka Kilabuk presenting one of her beautiful seal jacket
A view of the exhibition at the Museum
Carol Kunnuk, one of the blogger at the Symposium
A powerhouse!
Denise Malliki, Queen of the Quest and CArol Kunnuk
Stacey Aglok McDonald, at the Women's Media Workshop
During the morning session, Oct.15th
Eva Aariak, Premier of Nunavut, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women
Alethea Aggiuq Arnaquq-Baril, filmmaker
Myna Ishulutak, filmmaker
Denise Malliki and Nancy Karatak-Lindell
Elisapee Ootoovak
Inuit Cultural Skills Workshop
Ragely Piungituq from Clyde River
Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony
Angel Street
Angel Street
Opening ceremony
Angel Street
Donna Adams
Meeting on Thursday
The closing feast
MAnitok Thompson
Welcoming the crowd at the feast
At the feast
At the feast
At the feast
Jeanette and Elisapee
Leona Aglukkak and Rona Ambrose
Little seal skin!
Winnie Owingayak and Jean Simailak
Winnie Owingayak and Jean Simailak
Winniw Owingayak and Jean Simailak
Touring Iqaluit
Acerca de
We are sharing photographs of some of the participants at the Symposium. The best ones are from Katherine Irngaut. Thanks Kat!