Run away and join the circus ... for good Nunavut’s Artcirq Inuit troupe perform at Harbourfront Centre
Most parents dread the moment their child says, “I’m joining the circus,” but in Igloolik, a remote town of 1,200 in Nunavut, running away to join the circus is one way youth can build the confidence to pursue their dreams … and travel the world at the same time.
But it takes a special kind of circus to give young Inuit performers that kind of opportunity, and that circus is Artcirq, Igloolik’s own Arctic circus troupe.
The 10-year-old company is unique, combining Inuit traditional games and arts - like throat singing, drumming and juggling - with modern circus stunts - like trapeze and acrobatics - with multimedia components. (The circus was co-founded with Isuma Productions, who made the award-winning film, Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner.)
See this article on Tandem Online magazine.