For Strings
- 1. For Strings
- 2. Track 2
- 3. Track 3
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I expanded this response below as a senior artist, inter-disciplinary artist, indigenous musician, composer, filmmaker, educator, writer performer and Grandfather to an incident that Angie Grandbois shared.
There is so much misguided anger and hate in Aboriginal community because of the intergenerational trauma of contact, people transferring their energy, anger , hate and jealousy because they don't have what hard-working successful people have. I saw it when I was touring as an actor, as a dancer through BC and various communities where the less fortunate the ones that are really messed up in intergenerational issues they can not handle or break down with. I seen people spend their monthly cheques on self harmed substances and liquor, then after break into people's homes and steal their food. It's a vicious cycle that you're dealing with, so I'm sorry that the car was burned, but it's a big deeper problem. And the chief's traditionalists, band council puppets have to get on it and heal the community Upset the storms, lack of identity, cultural amnesia and heal the people. I am no different from any of my brothers and sisters on this planet in terms of the language of blood avec R, Y, B, & W race. But as an indigenous person dealing with global colonialism, like the many indigenous souls we lost, I have failed too, lost in my interpretation of life, my history, my self abuse, sense of worthlessness and how easy it is to given up, take the easy way out. The mind begins to create and play out the pathos, or ecstasies that come with desire, and evil finds away into ones body , and all hell breaks lose. The indigenous communities with their God given right and history; their own sovereign territory given to them by the one above, holy of holies, were assaulted, attacked and place into a time of protective military engagement to fight off these greedy invaders from far away. The Historical real, the spectacle real, and the erotic real in its history and aesthetics of performance , criticism and regurgitation in high and low art, dime novels serials, radio , tv, film and now digital 0s and 1s have made sure of how the subconscious values of interpretation placed the indigenous far below al other cultural races and governance. This I make reference to all indigenous nations and tribes affected by "colonialism." the indigenous nation and her people were ideologically and nationalistically, judicially contained in the Canadian false nation state ideologue of the Crown. And then hijacked out of international law positioning of sovereign nations treaties and patriarchally corrupted by provincial crown commissioners who would not allow our women around during treaty negotiations. Greedy, euro-centric rationality based on the manifest destiny propaganda that was base don corrupt interpretations of old testament writings. Writings corrupted by the Vatican, and all the westerner politicians, mercantilists, capitalists kings, Queens hereditary lines, bloodline corruptions who utilized greed, theft, and all that is not part of the one above. All I have are my prayers, my creative skills, tools, silence, meditation , prayer, studies and teachings that give me my words, thoughts, hopes and desires for me to understand us as children of the most high from the line of Seth, and the line of Cain. which is where we are today. Go in Peace, love to all. I base my ideas on my studies. From scholars like late Meredith Quinn, late Jerry Zazlove, and my Elders and colleagues of past times. Late Len George, late James Nicholas, and many teachers of my past. Even today with Loretta Todd reminded me of my responsibility to our youth, others and what is needed today. I must stay committed even in my times of weakness and selfish positioning. I am sorry to place my burdens on others when we are all struggling. The papers here on this site are a base to where this opinion piece today from me as an indigenous man living in these dangerous times. More so for our women. Whether people read my words, it does not matter outside of what our Creator desires. Love to all XOXO