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Arviq! (Bowhead!)

À propos

11 octobre 1994


In 1994, fulfilling the wish of 94 year-old Noah Piugattuk to taste whale-skin maqtaq once again before he passes away, a group of Igloolik hunters illegally catches a bowhead whale after years of government prohibition. This event which sparks a legal controversy, the hunters are charged, government policy is resisted, then changed..

In August 1996, with permission from the federal government, Inuit hunters from across the arctic gather in Repulse Bay for the first legal bowhead hunt in more than forty years.

Looking back five years later, Arviq! traces the history of the bowhead whale in the Arctic: from its traditional importance to Inuit, the devastation to near extinction by commercial whaling, as well as the media circus surrounding the legal hunt in 1996. Produced, directed and Edited by Paul Apak Angilirq and Zacharias Kunuk, narrated by Apak.

Arviq is a part of the Unikaatuatiit (Story Tellers) Series.

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