federal government

  • 29m 24s

    Unnukuut EP59 - CEC School Year - Jan 1989

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC

    Program name: Unnukkut
    Unnukkut was a current events program for a general audience produced in Baker Lake. It features interviews with politicians and other current events items and stories in Nunavut.
    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Rankin Inlet, Nunavut
    Host: Peter Tapatai… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 01-04-2015

  • 52m 32s

    Arviq! (Bowhead!)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    chaîne: MICH Living Archives

    In 1994, fulfilling the wish of 94 year-old Noah Piugattuk to taste whale-skin maqtaq once again before he passes away, a group of Igloolik hunters illegally catches a bowhead whale after years of government prohibition. This event which sparks a legal controversy, the hunters are charged, government policy is resisted, then changed..

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 11-10-1994