Eight Papers: 1: The Redactment of Truth, Patriarchal Containment of The Feminine and The Heathen, 2: MODERN DANCE AND CROSS CULTURAL COLLABORATIONS 3: Indigenous Inquiry re Studies Today, 4: REFLECTIONS OF AN INDIAN ELDER 2023
Good Morning Creator, Help the ones fighting the fires of these times. I know your world which your adversary fell down to, will be cleansed by fire, but we need help prior to your initiation of your end times
Hi all hope you are all well. Still a struggle. take care.
I added eight papers to my Isuma TV site as it does not have a pay wall as with my academia website
Abstracts below:
1: The first most recent was written in according to the need of all that was, is and is to be at the given time. With the author misinterpreting a classroom setting, thinking an essay was required. Today later, Author finds no essay was needed for the classroom setting. So that is that. Paper is written, I went through it for corrections and further clarification on Zen Garcia's work. Apologies if you see more, let me know. Work is due to me getting over Covid, almost dying from it, tired, and stressed like the rest of the world. It was , a yearning to present this alternative perspective of early aspects of history hidden.
Exerpt from First Essay: "...called Johnson versus MacIntosh…to show is what is the actual basis of Johnson & MacIntosh and show how it goes back to those Vatican documents but also to the Old Testament of the Bible to the story of the chosen people in the promised land. That the idea of a particular people chosen by God quote unquote to take over lands already inhabited by others and in many cases to actually engage in an extermination campaign against those people such as we find in Deuteronomy, and other passages in the Old Testament.”5 From Pagans In The Promised Land... Steven T. Newcomb.
2: The second essay I wrote fall 2020 for a modern dance class I took. The second paper as well discusses one of the major works of Modern dancer, choreographer and major dance director Karen Jamieson, but as well discusses a work of the late artist Ahasiw Kitotcigan Maskegon-Iskwew aka Donald Ghost Keeper. Cultural appropriation is the thematic aspect in this paper. The reason I included the works of Karen in these papers is due to her early works pertaining to cultural appropriation, but as well her yearning to respect the cultural works of Canada's first people, the ancient relations to the creation story, genocide, and war. All issues that affect the human. I am humbled by Karen's great achievements . Merry Christmas For he is coming soon.
3: This philosophy inquiry of Donald Morin
should be initiated though a community introduction of the Artist and Company to the local community by providing a community feast. An event for the community with proper cultural protocol
events to occur regarding permission to enter the territory, land acknowledgement and tribute gifts to community Elders and
food baskets for families in need.
Intro to 21st century views & world societal Changes, The Teachings, the possibilities
An Indigenous Elder going back to University, triggered by Institutions, shares aspects of his years in a systemic society as an Artist #donaldmorintheartist Indigenous Studies My reflection paper is written out of frustration for academic understandings, at times repetitiveness of previous stated facts, and how far removed our native homeless people, addicted people and trauma affected people are removed from such discussions and language.
5: JOSEPH CONRAD’S INFLUENCE ON FOUR ARTISTS OF THE 20TH CENTURY is an expose on my work in the French Film Windigo, Coppola's Vietnam flick, and Heart of Darkness and other factors of popular culture.
6: Frozen in Colonial Ideological Blues is a reflection on DIsney, the movie Frozen and other aspects of popular culture and Indigenous thought.
7: An Essay looking at The Rise of Skywalker, the final 9th segway in the Star Wars Saga with Talent Daisy Ridley
An Essay on the various films shown in this professor's class. A wonderful teacher, paster and educator. From paper
From a tatter journal lost in time
From an analytical point, for us as first nations performers, being a summer student, westernized, and relearning our culture as well, such films of this nature were a duality of being influenced by popular culture and colonialism. IT was reflective in fields trips, theatre adaptations of legends and myths, and the films we viewed.
Donald Morin
Film pop Culture and Religion
Conclusion: As in the excerpt below, I share these papers here due to some people unable to go beyond a paywall on other sites