Text documents on communities
These documents may be used to research family history.
These documents may be used to research family history.
Igloolik camps (Excel document)
Camp names (corrected by Micheline Ammaq) (.pdf)
Camp names (corrected by Micheline Ammaq) (Excel document)
E5 Registration (Excel document)
Files from the Catholic Church, provided by Dr. Christopher Trot
Files from the Catholic Church, provided by Dr. Christopher Trot
Camps by date - where people were in a given year (Excel file)
Camps by date - where people were in a given year (.pdf file)
Date by camp - where people were every year (Excel file)
Date by camp - where people were every year (.pdf)
"Kinship, Family, and Exchange in a Labrador Inuit Community" by Dombrowski et al (.pdf)
"Inuit Women and the Politics of Naming in Nunavut", by Valerie Alia