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Playlist: Haida TV


24 April 2012

9915 ḵing gan

Pogram rotation on Haida Community TV

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15h 50m 13s


DID, haida
  • Duration: 26m 47s

  • 00:26 Movie Night | Maana (Now)

    Duration: 6m 34s

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq

  • 00:33 Old Peter

    Duration: 8m 11s

    The dialogue between people, nature and gods is based upon a sacred knowledge and mythology. In the modern world only a few cultures based on myth survive. This film takes us into the word of Old Peter, the last surviving Shaman of the Kazym River.

  • 00:41 Documentaries | Exile Nutaunikut

    Duration: 48m 16s

    In 1953, Inuit families were forcibly relocated to the uninhabited and inhospitable high arctic, 1500 kilometres north of their traditional homeland of Nunavik, in northern Québec, to extend Canadian claims of sovereignty to Ellesmere Island. Inuit endured families torn apart and many years of hardship.

  • Duration: 3m 31s

    Overview of Tipi Raising (Video 1)

  • 01:33 Perspectives | Inuit Cree Reconciliation

    Duration: 46m 34s

    Zacharias Kunuk and Neil Diamond team up to research the events and historical impacts of an 18th century conflict between Inuit and Cree in Northern Québec, and to bring people together finally in 2013.

    Inuit Cree Reconciliation, Kingulliit Productions, NITV 2013, Directors Zacharias Kunuk and Neil Diamond. Inuktut, Cree, English w/English s-t.

  • Duration: 48m 3s

    Haida elder and historian Captain Gold of the Skidegate Haida makes a presentation on the history of the Haida people, combining dated material and Haida oral history. 

  • Duration: 7m 16s

    This is a traditional Haida story told in the Haida language (Xaaydaa Kil). A young boy and his grandfather live in a village. After a terrible winter, everyone else gets sick and dies. The boy and grandfather leave the village, and the grandfather says to the boy "don't look back." They travel through the forest and eventually come upon a stream.

  • Duration: 5m 7s


  • 03:20 Haida Raid

    Duration: 30s

    This is the first Haidawood movie we made, in a wood shop.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Haidawood

    Year of Production: 2007

    Distributor Information:


    Country: Canada

    Region: Pacific North West

  • Duration: 5m 23s

    A little girl is naughty and doesn't listen to her mother. "Be nice! Or Yaanii K'uuka will get you!" One day, a beautiful woman arrives at the longhouse... This is a traditional story told in the Haida language (Xaaydaa Kil) with English subtitles.

  • 03:26 Hoopla!

    Duration: 4m 39s

    This movie was made as part of the Haidawood Media Project over a two week period in the summer of 2007. Haidawood aims to make short stop motion animated movies with the help of Haida youth, artists, and language teachers, to help promote and teach the Haida language.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • Duration: 29s

    This was a super short movie we made with Haida teens during a Teen Night at the Youth Center.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Haidawood

    Year of Production: 2007

    Distributor Information:


    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 3m 17s

    Shot and cut by Team Media
    Staas Guujaaw
    Samantha Derrick
    Ravi Camire
    Taj Olson
    Duncan Rumak
    Damian Shaw

    Co-facilitators - Alex Martinuik & Francois Viljoen
    Lead - EVIL Patrick Shannon

  • Duration: 5m 35s

     Shot and cut by Team Media

    Staas Guujaaw
    Samantha Derrick
    Ravi Camire
    Taj Olson
    Duncan Rumak
    Damian Shaw

    Co-facilitators - Alex Martinuik & Francois Viljoen
    Lead - EVIL Patrick Shannon

  • Duration: 8m 16s

    Queen Charlotte City, Haida Gwaii. On June 21st, people from around the island marched in solidarity against the Enbridge project. 

  • 03:48 Movie Night | Atanarjuat The Fast Runner

    Duration: 2h 41m 51s

    Inuit epic set in ancient Igloolik, Atanarjuat The Fast Runner is a life-threatening struggle of love, jealousy, murder and revenge between powerful natural and supernatural characters, Canada's first feature film written, produced, directed, and acted by Inuit. 2001 Camera d'or, Cannes Film Festival; Best Picture, 2002 Genie Awards; #1 Canadian Film of the Decade, Macleans, CTV.

  • 06:30 Movie Night | The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

    Duration: 1h 53m 8s

    With the powerful forces of a new century pressing in around them, Danish explorer and scientist Knud Rasmussen visits the isolated camp of the great Iglulik shaman, Aua.

    The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, by Zacharias Kunuk and Norman Cohn, 112 mins. 2005. Second feature in The Fast Runner Trilogy. 

  • 08:23 Haidawood 1

    Duration: 5m 23s

  • 08:28 Haidawood 2

    Duration: 7m 16s

  • 08:36 Haidawood 3

    Duration: 30s

  • 08:36 Haidawood 4

    Duration: 1m 28s

  • Duration: 29m 14s

    Synopsis: A moving tribute to Richard Cardinal, a Métis adolescent who committed suicide in 1984. He had been taken from his home at the age of four because of family problems, and spent the rest of his seventeen short years moving in and out of twenty-eight foster homes, group homes and shelters in Alberta.

  • Duration: 4m 53s

    Chapter two: I investigate the body as a tool, a house, flesh. I learn what the different parts of my body are called in sami launguage. I do this in my home. Me in my body among my things that I identify with. I try out my different sami attributes o

    Filmmaker: Liselotte Wajstedt

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • 09:12 Clear Cut

    Duration: 4m 48s

    Clear Cut is a deeply personal found-footage reflection on mixed race identity. John Hupfield is Anishnawbe from Wasauksing First Nation on Perry Island. Clear Cut is his first video.

    Filmmaker: John Hupfield

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: 7th Generation image Makers

  • 09:17 Movie Night | Alianait (w/English subtitles)

    Duration: 1h 31m 12s

    ‘Alianait!’ is a peforming arts documentary celebrating the coming of age of Artcirq - a youth-focused, circus troupe founded in Igloolik that combines traditional Inuit cultural expression with modern circus techniques.







  • Duration: 10m 31s

    Este video hace parte de la propuesta para postular “El Conocimiento de los Jaguares del Yuruparí” del Rio Pirá Paraná de Colombia como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Es una realización de 4direcciones audio-visual, co-producción de La Fundación Gaia Amazonas, ACAIPI y 4direcciones audio-visual.

  • Duration: 2m 58s

  • Duration: 29m 41s

    This is a record of an illegitimate ‘native title’ meeting (16 March 2011) sponsored by the iron ore miner, Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) and its CEO, Andrew Forrest, the richest man in Australia.

  • Duration: 9m 5s

    Deep in the remaining old growth forests of Borneo, the Setulang Dayak village guards its forest with deep commitment.

  • Duration: 36m 32s

    A documentary about Northern Haze famous Inuit Rock stars from Igloolik

    Living the dream 

    Film by Derek Aqqiaruq

  • Duration: 48m 11s

    The six aboriginal Australian Warrell sisters are part of the generation of stolen children who were taken from their parents and raised in a Benedictine mission to alienate them from their indigenous culture in an attempt to better assimilate them into white society.

  • Duration: 35m 34s

    By Philip Burgess

    International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Kautokeino, Norway

  • 13:40 Shorts | Tungijuq (What We Eat)

    Duration: 7m 23s

    Tungijuq (What We Eat), Isuma, Kunuk Cohn Productions 2009, Producer Stephane Rituit, Felix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphael, Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut.

    Inuit jazz throat-singer Tanya Tagaq, and Cannes-winning filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk, talk back to Brigitte Bardot and anti-sealhunting lobby on the eternal reality of hunting.

  • Duration: 27m

    A Summer in the Life of Louisa

    Director: Ann Hanson

    Producers: Jerry Giberson and Debbie Brisebois

    Camera: Carlos Fernand

    Music: Del Carry

    This is a powerful docu-drama about wife abuse (family violence) and breakdown of a couple’s relationship.

  • Duration: 33m 51s

  • 14:49 Documentaries | Kiviaq versus Canada

    Duration: 46m 50s

    Kiviaq's extraordinary life story bears testimony to the treatment Indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic have endured for generations due to the government's inhumane colonial policies.

  • Duration: 8m 1s

    The ocean, with its colours, sounds and energies infuse with spirit and wisdom the dialogue between two young girls and their grandfathers. We, Mapuche Lafkenche, observe the ocean's Az so that we may become one with it, maintaining the balance of our relationship with this space that we call Lafkenmapu.

  • 15:44 Aditsii Kil

    Duration: 6m 11s

Ḵwaan sda: Old Massett Television