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Playlist: Youth on IsumaTV


22 April 2014

6952 ḵing gan

Playlist of youth-related videos and films. Often written and created by youth, and dealing with various topics.

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5h 36m 55s


7th generation, aboriginal youth, children, DID, kingulliit, youth
  • 00:00 Movie Night | Issaittuq (Waterproof)

    Duration: 45m 7s

    This is a story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house. Because of his violent act his been sentenced to go to an outpost camp for two months, a camp where a hunter is waiting for him.

  • 00:45 Movie Night | Maana (Now)

    Duration: 6m 34s

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq

  • 00:51 Clear Cut

    Duration: 4m 48s

    Clear Cut is a deeply personal found-footage reflection on mixed race identity. John Hupfield is Anishnawbe from Wasauksing First Nation on Perry Island. Clear Cut is his first video.

    Filmmaker: John Hupfield

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: 7th Generation image Makers

  • 00:56 Artcirq

    Duration: 50m 37s

    **CLICK HERE to order DVD on**


  • Duration: 4m 16s

    In My Staus Card, Cheyenne Redman Gervais takes a long hard look at everyone's favourite piece of plastic...

    Filmmaker: Cheyenne Redman Gervais

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: 7th Generation image Makers

    Year of Production: 2006

  • Duration: 6m 43s

    An ambitious reporter is sent to interview an Indigenous elder to get some "real poetic and stoic stuff" for coverage of a conference on the environment. What she finds is a reminder that she didn't realize she needed to hear.

    Filmmaker: John Hupfield

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • 01:58 407

    Duration: 8m 48s

    407, Artcirq, Igloolik Isuma, NITV productions 2006, Producer Guillaume Saladin, Director Bruce Haulli. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • Duration: 17m 41s

    Arnait Video Presents: Charlie Pisuk, Arnait Video Productions. English.

    Charlie Pisuk is your uncle, your cousin, your brother-in-law. What do you have to say about him? Someone is listening.

  • Duration: 31m 42s

    Written by acclaimed Australian playwright David Milroy, this remarkable piece of theatre tells the story of two brothers set against each other over interests of family, country and native title.

  • Duration: 31m 20s

    Written by acclaimed Australian playwright David Milroy, this remarkable piece of theatre tells the story of two brothers set against each other over interests of family, country and native title.

  • Duration: 11m 1s

    Check out this amazing silent film called "Speaking out on climate change". In the tradition of Buster Keaton-style black and white slapstick comedy, this piece by Pangnirtung's Julie Alivaktuk brilliantly pokes fun at the very serious issue of climate change and how it affects Arctic ecosystems and Inuit people.

  • Duration: 8m 59s

     "The Whisperers"

    A feature length Indigenous documentary film from the South Sami culture in Norway.
    A co production with David Kinsella productions AS and Buffalo Gal pictures in Canada.

  • Duration: 17m 36s

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 17m 36s

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 16m 38s

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

  • 04:39 Special Event | Northern Scene Festival 2013

    Duration: 48m 11s

    Artcirq show at the Northern Scene Festival in Ottawa performed on April 30, 2013 in front of a full house including the Honourable Eva Aariak, Premier of Nunavut and her guests.

    Integral performance from beginning to intermission only.


  • Duration: 1m 44s

    Bending, cutting and fitting the "Tikpiit" in the Puvirnituq Qajaq Shop.

  • Duration: 3m 41s

     The building of a fleet of seven qajait and two umiaak for Arnait's film "Before Tomorrow" during the 2006-2007 school year in Puvirnituq.

  • Duration: 3m 44s

    Brenda Veevee, of Pangnirtung, produced this short film, "Brenda's Inerviews".  She interviewed trainees as part of Inuusivut training which took place at a camp outside of Pangnirtung July, 2009.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Embrace Life Council

Ḵwaan sda: Old Massett Television