AanimII Atjecoutay

I am from Ka-wezauce “Little Boy First Nation (cowessess Saskatchewan Canada) Saulteaux/Cree of the Ojibwa Nation a descendant of the Anishinabek.
My life consists of the activities of art, animal issues such as; Awareness, Protection and Liberation,The practice of Muay Thai, Wilderness Living & Survival Skills. a clean life style without drugs, alcohol, tobacco or marijuana and factory Farmed Meat.
Over the past 500 years, some of the Indigenous peoples have managed to resist and survive the civilizing process but much has been lost. Now we must rebuild our memory and determine on what basis we will build our future. The Institute Of First Knowledge Is a contemporary and Neo-Waabanoo experience and does not purport to represent a trible tradition in stone. It is a declaration of war based on the order imposed upon us by the dominant cultures of which I deny the right to validate my understanding of the current world around us.