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The UnHoly Trinity


24 November 2012

6700 ḵing gan


Global work camp or a global reservation but not to preserve an endangered species, but to insure an endless work-force consisting of a contemporary slave and servant to a corporate-government, so that one can worship their masters the Ultra-Rich, in comfort, in distress, in despair, in misery, or just surviving and to make the ends meet! 

Despite the color of your skin or the spiritual believes we have adopted, individually and as a group we are all responsible for the de-naturation of our so-callled cultures that have be turned into a disposable resources, that can be left or lifted up as we conveniently please, we are the benefactors of a consumption society that can exploit the natural resources and still find our way to point the finger at others who appear to have more material then are selves, who may or may-not be as "fortunate" as others, if one is poor then one consumes cheeper and a lower-quality of product, and all so more of, some of which, that are provided by the US government in the form of commodities, and if one is working middle class, then,they simple consumes as much as possible and if one is rich they can waste their money on highly expensive items, a vulgar display of wealth, this lineage is end-less and it does not matter which side you are on and how much you recycle... we are all still responsible for depleting the natural resources! 
Poverty has its toll on the planet as well, because they are still dependent on corporate-government to feed them...but, so is the working middle class... 
As for the rich and ultra rich they have the rest of us exactly where they need us and they to depending on us as well, to make them rich, comfortable and domineering! 

Remember this, the third world people are in their situation, not because they them selves have created it, because the consuming nations have created these environments with there nasty hunger for product, civilization has managed to turn once, self-sustainable tribal peoples into poor an depended global citizens!

Cooperation with the Ultra-Rich is what keeps this monstrous civilized machine moving, the animals and tribal peoples are being absorbed and there are very few who are truly concerned and even less who can actually do some thing about it...

Non-cooperation...It would be better to tear it all down and except the consequences of this liberating action.

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9m 37s

Ḵwaan sda: AanimII Atjecoutay