kugaaruk Playlist CH51isuma


24 January 2018

5905 ḵing gan


21h 52m




  • Duration: 5m 5s

     Program name: Qaujisaut 

  • Duration: 15m 17s

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Taloyoak – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

  • Duration: 28m 44s

  • Duration: 1h 1m 48s

    This is a video of different people drumming from all the regions in Nunavut. This celebration of drumming happened in Kugaaruk (Pelly Bay).

  • Duration: 28m 21s

    Program name: Takuyaksat
Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing and legends.

Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting

    Host: Barney Putungujaq

    Segment 1: Jack Hicks is in Baker Lake voicing his opposition to the proposed uranium mining activities in the area.

  • 02:19 Hunting With My Ancestors | Episode 1: Bowhead Whale Hunt

    Duration: 49m 51s

    Inuit have hunted bowhead whales for thousands of years, using stone tools to hunt these 25 ton mammals. In 2016, Igloolik received a tag to harvest a bowhead; Zacharias Kunuk documents this hunt - from the selection of hunting captains and planning

    Hunting With My Ancestors Episode 1: Bowhead Whale Hunt, Isuma, Kingulliit Productions 2017, Director Zacharias Kunuk.

  • Duration: 30m

    Hunting With My Ancestors Episode 2: Net Fishing Under the Ice, Isuma/Kingulliit Productions 2018, Director Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut w/Eng s-t.

  • Duration: 29m 58s

    Hunting With My Ancestors, Episode 3, Dog Team Bear Hunt.

  • 04:09 Hunting With My Ancestors | Episode 5: Walrus Hunt

    Duration: 32m 40s

    Inuit of the Igloolik region have been hunting walrus, incredibly large and sometimes dangerous animals, for thousands of years – caching and fermenting their meat for the long winter ahead. We first follow Zach on a winter hunt, as hunters venture out by snowmobile to the floe edge in search of walrus, and a more common summer hunt by boat.  

  • 04:41 Hunting With My Ancestors | Episode 6: Seal Pup Hunt

    Duration: 55m 29s

    It’s June and time for the spring seal hunt. People travel on the melting sea ice looking for cracks and breathing holes in the 24-hour daylight. Zach follows elder Louis Uttak on a family seal hunt, as he shares his expert hunting knowledge and tells stories of his past life living on the land.  

  • 05:37 Hunting With My Ancestors | Episode 7: Caribou Hunt With Peter Suwaksiork

    Duration: 32m 27s

    In October of 2015 Zach travelled to Arviat, one of the southernmost communities in Nunavut, along the western coast of Hudson Bay. The area is known for its incredibly large herds of caribou.

  • 06:09 Hunting With My Ancestors | Walrus Hunting Training Video

    Duration: 32m 19s

    How to hunt walrus, from how to kill and butcher it, to preparing the meat and burying it to make Igunaq, the fermented walrus meat.

  • Duration: 29m 20s

    Kiviu's Journey Part 1

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 50s

    Kiviu's Journey Part 1

    With English subtitles

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 51s

    Kiviu's Journey Part 2

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 52s

    Kiviu's Journey Part 3

    With English subtitles

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 50s

    Kiviu's Journey Part 4
    Sister Pelagie
    With English subtitles

    APTN-Our lives Our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 50s

    Kiviuq's Journey Part 5
    The Two Sisters

    With subtitles in English

    APTN-Our lives our voices

  • Duration: 28m 49s

    Kiviuq's Journey Part 5
    The Two Sisters

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 26m 52s

    Kiviuq's Journey Part 6

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 28m 50s

    Kiviuq's Journey
    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 28m 52s

    Kiviuq’s Journey
    Sister Pelagie

    APTN-Our lives our voices

    Directed and written by: Martin Kreelak
    Producer: Janice Epp, Ole Gjerstad
    Produced by: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Producer: Debbie Brisebois
    Director of Network and Programming: Pitseolak Kilabuk
    Narrator: Abraham Tagalik

  • Duration: 40m 14s

     A group of 3 cast from Kiviuq Returns came to Cambridge Bay to put on a theatre show for the community with the help from some of the Kullik Ilihakvik School studdents to take part in the show

  • Duration: 27m 49s

     Program: Qaujisaut (To See, To Find Out): This program was mainly directed toward Inuit youth, facing hard choices - caught between two cultures. It is entertaining, fast and fun. Up and coming young musical talent was promoted on Qaujisaut. Qaujisaut taught young people important life skills as well as touching on timely health issues and covering stories important to youth.

  • Duration: 27m 50s

     Program: Qaujisaut (To See, To Find Out): This program was mainly directed toward Inuit youth, facing hard choices - caught between two cultures. It is entertaining, fast and fun. Up and coming young musical talent was promoted on Qaujisaut. Qaujisaut taught young people important life skills as well as touching on timely health issues and covering stories important to youth.

  • 12:54 Hunting With My Ancestors | Hunting With My Ancestors Dog Team Bear Hunt

    Duration: 29m 58s

     Hunting With My Ancestors delivers – from an Inuit point of view – an introduction into regional ecosystem and Inuit prac

    tices, centuries old, to harvest its bounty. This television series featuring different animals, hunters and regions, presents, through

  • Duration: 10m 56s

     Program: Qaggiq (“Gathering Place”) – is a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).

    Producer: Igloolik Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

  • Duration: 29m 4s

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut


    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
Host: Leo Subgut

    Segment 1: Tungola Sandy, Peter Irniq, and Andre Tautu campaign for MLA, Aiivilik riding in the territorial election.

  • Duration: 29m 46s

     Program name: Inukshuk

    Producer: Arviat - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: The 2nd Annual Inumariit Music Festival in Arviat. Simon Sigjariaq and the Arviat Band perform.

  • Duration: 28m 53s

     Program name: Takujuminaqtut

Producer: Rankin Inlet - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Camera: Leo Subgut

    Host: Jose Amaujaq Kusugak

    Segment1: This is a 1992 documentary about Arctic Co-ops ending with some singing and bowling.

  • Duration: 29m 27s

     Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut

  • Duration: 6m 7s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

  • Duration: 4m 35s

  • Duration: 30m 48s

  • Duration: 8m 18s

  • Duration: 29m 16s

    Takuginai Early Shows 04031, 1987, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation 1987. Inuktut no subtitles.

  • Duration: 14m 50s

     Takuginai (Look Here): This is the premiere Aboriginal language program in North America directed at children. Takuginai is one of IBC's longest running, best known and most loved programs. The series features the likes of "Johnny" the lemming and other locally made puppets and young hosts.

  • Duration: 28m 54s

    Program name: Takuyaksat

    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing and legends.

    Host: Simian Mikinguaq
Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: In 1990, Matthew Kunangnaq talks about barren ground grizzly bears and his encounters with them.

  • Duration: 24m 9s

     Program name: Inukshuk 
Producer: Iqaluit - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: Joanasie Salomonie interviews John Amaroalik, President of Inuit Tapirisat Kanatami, Thomas Suluk and MP Peter Ittinuar. They each talk about what issues they are working on in their positions as leaders.

  • Duration: 29m 46s

  • Duration: 31m 8s

  • Duration: 5m 29s

  • Duration: 14m 55s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 29m 47s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

  • Duration: 26m 53s

  • Duration: 28m 54s

  • Duration: 28m 58s

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut
    Camera: Lukie Aingiliq
    Location: Rankin Inlet

    Segment 1: Men hunt for seals by boat, and catch one seal.

    Segment 2: Men fish with nets in the ocean.

    Segment 3: Arviat Festival – Accordion and fiddle players.

  • 21:15 Documentaries | Northern Haze

    Duration: 8m 36s


    Filmmaker:Carol Kunnuk

    Contact:Norhern Haze

    Producer:  Carol Kunnuk and Derek Aqqiaruq

    Year of Production:2009

    Distributor Information: Igloolik Isuma production

    Country: Igloolik

  • Duration: 27m 25s

     Program name: Inukshuk

    Host: Sam Itkilik

    Segment 1: Igloo (igluvigaq) building with Silas Aittauq.

    Segment 2: Mamak and Ijimik, two ladies, perform throat singing and tell stories about throat singing.

    Segment 3: This is an explanation about storytelling and how important it is that it be passed on to children.

Ḵwaan sda: Kugaaruk | Arviligjuaq | ᑰᒑᕐᕈᒃ