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NDNS & DOGS TBT - November 1994


27 October 2020

2944 ḵing gan

Good day, It has been so long since I have posted on Isuma TV site and I apologize. I am above the ground today, and I am grateful, Times are tough for so many people theses days, and we must work harder to help the less fortunate. I share this today. I believe it was  November, 1994, before I went to Japan to dance with the Karen Jamieson Dance Company tour of Gawa Gyani. The evening  moment show a happier time, where  as a community we  could get together and play music  and enjoy  the simple things in life. Friends now gone, God bless them, I missed them Jimy Sidlar and Lisa Sazama, two talented souls who shared their life with me  at one time and a few times XOXO. Others relationships failed because of  as Jimy said, 'my wandering desire" and my failings as a man. It was the year , my sonès mother had her tragic accident, and it was a tough time. God bless you all, This is my TBT of people I love and Miss.

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