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Passion for The Language Trailer


14 February 2021

2407 ḵing gan

Inuvialuktun, with its three dialects - Ummarmiut, Kangiryurmiut, and Siglit - is in peril with a majority of native speakers passing away and English being the main language for education and communication in the ISR. According to studies by ICRC, only 10% of an estimated 4,000 Inuvialuit speak any form of traditional language, and only about 4% use it at home. Elders Emma Dick and Sarah Tingmiak appear throughout the program speaking their language explaining how Inuvialuktun got to this precarious state.

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Uvagut playlists (4):

2021/02/16, 2021/02/18, 2021/02/27, 2021/04/17

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