Leg Wrestle

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About Ajjigiinginniqarvingit

Partners lie down on floor lock arms aroung each others' elbows...

Count to three and raise inside legs to lock around each others' at the knee, keeping the outside leg extended at all times.

The player who pulls the other off his back wins.

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Partners lie down on floor lock arms aroung each others' elbows...

Count to three and raise inside legs to lock around each others' at the knee, keeping the outside leg extended at all times.

The player who pulls the other off his back wins.

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Tarijagaksaluktaat :
language == 'fr') { print '

Ce site utilise la police de caractères Euphemia pour afficher l’écriture syllabique en Inuktitut. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.
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'; print '

Produit avec la participation financière de
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'; } else { print '

This site uses the Euphemia font to display Inuktitut syllabics. You can download it for free here.
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This site requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display some content. You can download it for free here.

'; print '

Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

'; } ?>