Inuktituuliqtauvalliajut suli. Inukitut translation of this site is a work in progress.

On Set


spring photos


The film is being shot quite close to the chronological order of events in the script. The shoot will cover the four seasons, beginning with a very cheerful springtime sequence, when two clans make camp together for the first time in quite a while as they begin what promises to be a very successful hunting season.
Twenty five actors five dogs make up the on-camera players. Featured in the first weeks shooting are scenes were three of six kayaks and one 32-foot umiak, or long boat built specifically for the production.
The calm waters of the first days gave way to some choppier seas and high winds as the week progressed. But all the work planned was accomplished; and the team set off for their home communities on July 12th, to meet again in late August for the summer-season shoot.


summer photos


The second shooting period took place from August 21st to September 8th.
As in the spring, we camped at Tuapajaat, southwest of Puvirnituq. Joyous family scenes, hunting and fishing scenes, and storytelling lead to more intimate scenes between the main characters, Ningiuq, Maniq et Kuutujjuk. In three weeks we saw a sunny end of summer turn into the beginnings of a windy and rainy fall. When we parted from the set until mid October's shoot, we left Ningiuq et Maniq alone, on their island, awaitng the return of their family. The same crew returned, with the addition of Natar Ungalaq as second assistant director.



fall photos


The fall shoot began October 16 and wrapped October 28th, 2006.



winter photos


The winter shoot began January 15, 2007 and wrapped Jamuary 31, 2007.


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Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

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