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BEFORE TOMORROW live at Présence autochtone festival - Monday, June, 15, 2009 : 6H30PM - ONF

karim's picture

Tarijagaksaluktaat :

Monday, June, 15, 2009 : 6H30PM



Filmed between July 2006 and Janaury 2007, Before Tomorrow was directed by Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Madeline Ivalu and adapted from the novel For morgendagen by the acclaimed Danish writer Jørn Riel.

A co-production of Igloolik Isuma Productions and Kunuk Cohn Productions, the project was the first feature from Iglooliks Arnait Video Productions collective, which has been gathering Inuit womens stories since 1991 to produce a varied and extensive filmography, which draws on cultural authenticity and community involvement.

Before Tomorrow is the story of a woman who demonstrates that human dignity is at the core of life from beginning to end, as she faces with her grandson the ultimate challenge of survival.

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Produit avec la participation financière de
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'; print '

Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

'; } ?>