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They Were Running From Nero That Day


14 July 2020


 This video is entered in the Engage contest because it shares the love of Jesus in a time of fear, uncertainty, surveillance, societal rights and indigenous and racial issues. It was recorded at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonton, Alberta on Canada's Aboriginal Day. The song will be in Mr. Morin's current Film Project, which examines the issues surrounding Globalization, Unceded Territory, Racial Issues, Spiritual and Surveillance issues in an increasingly fragmented world . Evangelist Street Preacher John Stewart in the film confronts Willy Frencheater about his current path, and all that is, was , and is to be in this time.

Following text regarding soundtrack of this music video:

Some nice news, My music video submission for the Engage Competition was accepted for the next level of this engagement. Go to

I am in this package link, so scroll till you find me XOXOX To the glory of the most high, we are waiting. I had to transcribe the audio for this competition so here it is, plus stand alone of the lyrics of this live performance follows: Ls Todd and Sandra Semchuk Two artists I greatly respect with my love, heart, and mind

Transcribing of Lyrics and Words of Engage Video music video submission of song Watching People In Different Places

Edited with images and words from film project; As A Koden, Talking Story; Who Is Your Name?

The current Film project of Artist Donald Morin. A film which combines the words of real Hawaiian Evangelist JOHN STEWART, the late JAMES NICHOLAS, (Former Actor/politician/orator) and scenes in Hawaii and Canada of film character WILLY FRENCHEATER searching for Jesus in a time of change, resistance , spiritual awareness and the New World Order



WILLY FRENCHEATER: Some people say that doesn’t exist anymore

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: Ya that’s funny

(Background sound) I think he’s going drink some water first.

WILLY FRENCHEATER: I think we should be, a colonial revolution

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: I think we should have a revolution

LYRICS BEGIN: Watching People In Different Places.

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: Revolution of thee, the revolution of the people

LYRICS: She was working Sharing time

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: Of the slightly left


LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: Ya slightly left, small liberal

LYRICS: Painted pictures , Painted she

WOMAN’s WORDS IN FILM: I’m a watcher, I’m the observer,

LYRICS: Looking for like minded people

WOMAN’s WORDS IN FILM: I watch I watch people, and the spirit that they are in,

LYRICS: Near the steeple of ground zero

WOMAN’s WORDS IN FILM: the feelings they have and the paths that they walk

LYRICS: And everybody is running from Nero everyday

WOMAN’s WORDS IN FILM: And it is really wonderful for me to be participating here at camp. At a vigil camp, the only one in Canada right at this time That’s still, pretty active

LYRICS: Terrified minds in far away places, searching for the light

WOMAN;s VOICE IN FILM: Mannitou Migweech, Kitchi gweech, Kitchi gweech (Ojibway meaning phonetically: Great Spirit, Thank you, Great thanks Great thanks

LYRICS: Light of Like minded people, Crystal circles of ancient places


LYRICS: Crystal Circles

WILLY FRENCHEATER: We have moved into total war

LYRICS: In Ancient faces


LYRICS: They were running form Nero that day!

WILLY FRENCHEATER: Twenty-six thousands years from no-
where into a wall to fight the system.

LYRICS: Looking for love in all the war torn places, seeing the sadness of all those faces Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, jesus, Oh JESUS, Won’t you come today!

JESUS CHARCTER IN my FILM: Won’t any of you come with me?

BACKGROUND AUDIO in FILM: IF you think of a perfect. (purposely muffled)

LYRICS: For all those like-minded people in those war torn places!

BACKGROUND AUDIO in FILM: IF your question!, Where does God come from?

LYRICS: and all those war torn places, searching for the light, searching for the light, painting pictures. Painted she, Shared Jesus, so did she, All the love in all those war torn places
Fighting hate in all those love sad places, Watching people on days like now On Days like now!

BACKGROUND AUDIO in FILM: You want to changed the world, you want to change the world

LYRICS: And the Devil!, he’s fighting faster.

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: A Witigo a meda, A WItigo a meda! (Cree; Rough Phonetic translation The cannibal spirit, evil spirit)

JOHN STEWART (EVANGELIST in FILM): “… understanding to the acknowledging of the mystery of God, Of Father , and of Christ. ..”

LATE JAMES NICHOLAS: Arrgg A Witigo a medaa!,

LYRICS: Jesus is in all the right places

JOHN STEWART (EVANGELIST in FILM): “…And in whom, I give all the treasures

LYRICS: He’s in my heart, he’s in your heart, if you let him in!

WILLY FRENCHEATER in FILM: James was this rock Cree, He said we are coming to a cleansing

LYRICS: Watching People in Different Places, watching people in war tom places Sharing Jesus in all those war torn places, Watching people In different places Jesus said, she said, he said


LYRICS OF SONG as STAND ALONG (without added audio of film project.)

Watching People In Different Places
Lyrics and music by Donald Morin
Watching People In Different Places
She was working Sharing time
Painted pictures , Painted she
Looking for like minded people
Near the Steeple of Ground Zero
Everybody running from Nero everyday
Terrified minds in far away places,
searching for the light
Light of Like minded people,
Crystal circles of ancient places
Crystal Circles In Ancient faces

They were running from Nero that day
Looking for love in all the war torn places,
seeing the sadness of all those faces
Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, jesus,
Oh JESUS, Won’t you come today!
For all those like-minded people
in those war torn places!
and all those war torn places,
searching for the light,
searching for the light,
painting pictures, painted she,
Shared Jesus, so did she,
All the love in all those war torn places
Fighting hate in all those love sad places,
Watching people on days like now
On Days like now!
And the Devil!, he’s fighting faster.
Jesus is in all the right places
He’s in my heart, he’s in your heart,
if you let him in!
Watching People in Different Places,
watching people in war tom places
Sharing Jesus in all those war torn places,
Watching people In different places
Jesus said, she said, he said

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