This film shows the building of a seal-skin tent, and how the skin was primed for such construction.
Fabrication of a ringed seal skin tent with the family of Iqallijuq, Michel Kupaaq and Jeannie Arnainnuk
16 mm colour movie, silent
Excerpt presented : 1 minute 30
Director : B. Saladin d’Anglure
Camera and sound : Philippe Legrand of audiovisual services at Université Laval
Shot on Igloolik island in 1973
Edited with the collaboration of Association Inuktsiutiit and audiovisual services at Université Laval
Édité avec la collaboration de l’Association Inuksiutiit et du service de l’audio-visuel de l’université Laval. [a long version in Inuktitut exists, 23 minutes with synchronous sound]
Full transcript
A woman is chewing a piece of seal skin.
View of the woman's ulu.
A woman is chewing a piece of seal skin.
The woman is assembling together pieces of seal skin.
Shot of the woman's face.
Shot of the woman's hands cutting the seal skin with an ulu in order to sew it.
The woman is sewing pieces of seal skin together.